Monday, October 28, 2013

Fabulous Read! Spirit of Lost Angels by Lisa Perrat

Spirit of Lost AngelsSpirit of Lost Angels by Liza Perrat
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was definitely a book that will leave you swirling with emotions. This story takes you back in time with the stories character Victoire Charpentier. During the revolutionary era of France, Victoire Charpentier rises from her level of poverty and becomes a woman of means. The story has very interesting plot twists and definitely promotes a range of emotions from fear, sadness, happiness. I would definitely recommend the book as a suspenseful and historical tale of a women in this period. Liza Perrat weaves a great story and if you are into historical fiction this a book just for you!
View all my reviews on Goodreads here

Here are some amazon links where the book can be purchased also.

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